Wound Care Instructions following Minor Surgery

First 24 hours after surgery:

Relax and try to take it easy. When the local anaesthetic wears off you may feel some discomfort, this will respond well to paracetamol. Vigorous exercise or heavy lifting could cause the wound to bleed or stitches to come apart.

You may see a small amount of blood through the dressing. This is normal, if however, the bleeding continues – apply firm pressure with a clean cloth directly over the wound dressing for about 10-15 minutes.

48 hours after surgery:

Carefully remove the dressing. If it seems very sticky or difficult to remove you may need to soak it off in the shower. Wash the wound gently with plain water and reapply the dressing if required.

There may be bruising, swelling and itching to the skin around the surgery area This is a normal reaction and part of the healing process. This should improve over the following days.

If there is an infection, the wound may feel hot and may look red and inflamed. There may be yellow and thick fluid leaking from the wound and you may have a temperature, feel hot and sweaty and generally unwell. Please contact us or your GP for further advice.

Long term:

The area around the wound may be numb for several weeks or much longer. There may be some altered sensation to the area of skin in the long term.


Depending on what material has been chosen for your surgery:

  1. Dissolving stitches – These will fall off in 2-3 weeks and then you can massage the scar with emollient.
  2. Non dissolving stitches – These will need to be removed in 10-14 days. Please make an appointment with the nurse at your own doctors’ surgery for this.



If you had a biopsy taken, the result will be notified to you in 2-3 weeks. If you do not her from us in that time, please contact us on the number below.

Concerns and Queries:

If you have any concerns/queries about your surgery or post op care please contact us